Our Services

Our Services

ARRS Roles

What is ARRS and how can it help you?

Feeling like you need a bit of extra support beyond your usual GP? That’s where your Coventry GP Connect PCN ARRS Team steps in!

They’re a whole host of specialists in areas like mental health, physiotherapy, and social care, all working together within your Primary Care Network (PCN).

Think of them as your very friendly neighbourhood health workers, here to give you that extra help towards feeling your best.

The process is simple and easy – just have a chat with your GP reception team and they’ll connect you with the right ARRS role for your needs.

It’s all about teamwork to get you back on track!

So, whether you’re looking for a helping hand with anxiety or stress, a diet plan for a healthier you, or some tips to keep your body moving, your Coventry GP Connect PCN ARRS Team is just a conversation away.

Ask your GP today and unlock a world of personalised support, right at your doorstep.


Clinical Pharmacists

Think of clinical pharmacists as medication experts! They work closely with GPs and other healthcare professionals to review your medications, ensure they’re safe and effective for you, and answer any questions you may have.

Physician Associates

Physician associates (PAs) are highly trained healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of GPs. They can diagnose illnesses, order and interpret tests, prescribe medication, and perform some procedures. Think of them as an extra pair of hands for your GP, helping to keep waiting times down and ensuring you get the care you need, quickly and efficiently.

Care Coordinators

Care coordinators act as your personal navigation system through the healthcare system. They work closely with GPs and practice teams acting as a central point of contact to ensure appropriate support is made available to you and your carers; supporting you to understand and manage your condition based on what matters to you. They help you access the right services and support in community.

Social Prescribers

Social prescribers believe in the power of non-medical interventions to improve health and wellbeing. They can connect you with activities and resources in your community, such as befriending groups, exercise classes, or healthy eating programs. These activities can be just as effective as medication in managing some conditions and can boost your overall mood and well-being.

Digital and Transformation Team

This team is all about using technology to make your healthcare experience smoother and more convenient. They’re behind the local NHS App Road Show and they’ve helped prepare the Practices for GP Record access online. They’re also constantly looking for new ways to use technology to improve the quality and efficiency of care.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach

Mental health and wellbeing coaches are here to support you in managing your emotional well-being. They can offer guidance on stress management, relaxation techniques, and coping mechanisms. They can also help you connect with mental health services if needed.

First Contact Physiotherapists

Physiotherapists are experts in movement and musculoskeletal health. At your PCN, you might see a first contact physiotherapist for a variety of conditions, from back pain and sports injuries to arthritis and muscle weakness. They can assess your condition, request investigations and provide treatment, and offer advice on exercises and lifestyle changes to help you manage your pain and improve your mobility.

Trainee Nurse Associates

Trainee nurse associates are nurses in training who are gaining valuable experience under the supervision of qualified nurses and GPs. They can provide basic care, such as taking your blood pressure or dressing a wound, and assist with other tasks in the practice. They’re a great way to get to know the next generation of healthcare professionals!

Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy technicians work alongside pharmacists to ensure effective, efficient and safe use of medication and provide advice on over-the-counter medicines. In addition they help patients to get the best from their medicines by switching medications to agreed and approved protocols and improving repeat prescribing processes.