What is the NHS APP?

The NHS App is owned and run by the NHS. It can be accessed by anyone aged 13 and over registered with an NHS GP
Once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information.

It doesn’t replace existing services. You can still contact your GP surgery in the usual ways.

With the NHS App, you can:

  • Order repeat prescriptions
  • Book appointments
  • View your health record
  • Get health advice
  • And more!

Citizen Health Records Access

Now you can easily view and share your GP medical records, empowering you to take charge of your healthcare.

  • Access your records anytime
  • With the NHS App or other patient-facing apps, you can access your test results, diagnoses, and medications whenever you need them.
  • Make informed decisions
  • Gain deeper insights into your health history and make informed healthcare choices.
  • Seamless care coordination
  • Share your comprehensive medical records with healthcare providers for coordinated care.
  • Work with your GP
  • GPs can guide you through this change and provide education and support.
  • Unlock the power of your health information
  • Embrace this new era of healthcare access and take control of your well-being

Download the NHS App

No Need to Feel Left Behind

We understand that not everyone feels comfortable with technology. That’s why we’re committed to providing support for everyone, including those who may face digital exclusion.

We’ll be offering digital literacy training, partnering with community organizations, and ensuring our staff are available to assist you every step of the way.

Stay tuned for more information on upcoming education sessions, training opportunities, and how you can get started with the NHS App.

Together, we can make managing your health easier and more accessible for everyone!

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